Coral Bay

Al Mahatah · Mira
Mira Coral Bay: A luxurious waterfront project by Marjan and Mira Developments, offering a unique blend of vibrant city life and serene waterfront living. The project features a 5-star branded spa hotel with 100 keys, a resort hotel with 250 rooms, a yacht club, two exclusive beach clubs, and a range of residential units, including six clusters of villas with 165 units, two clusters of townhouses with 128 units, four clusters of apartments with 650 units, and 10 premium branded restaurants. With its focus on luxury, design, and service, Mira Coral Bay is set to become a landmark destination in Ras Al Khaimah, aligned with the emirate's vision to emerge as a leading magnet for tourism and investment.
About the project
Stay tuned to receive more information about the upcoming project.
  • Approximate location
    Al Mairid, Ras Al Khaimah
  • Developer
    Mira Developments
  • Start date
  • Emirates ID*
  • Bank account*


亮點 Coral Bay

  • 項目: Coral Bay

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