
Aman Dubai

JUMEIRA SECOND Part 2 · H&H Development
H&H Development
Aman Dubai will occupy a prestigious shoreline setting with an expansive private beach. Encompassing an all-suite hotel, Aman Dubai will also feature a limited number of Aman branded residences, an extensive Aman Spa over 2,000 sqm in size, several choices of restaurants, as well as an Aman Club.

Designed by KHA (Kerry Hill Architects), Aman Dubai will have a prime coastal position directly on Jumeirah Beach with unobstructed panoramic views of the azure water and Dubai’s skyline. With nine acres of verdant gardens, Aman Dubai will showcase the brand’s much-loved minimal and contemporary design aesthetic, making use of natural materials and clean lines to frame the cityscape and waterfront views.
About the project
Stay tuned to receive more information about the upcoming project.
  • Exact location
    Jumeirah 2
  • Developer
    H&H Investments and Development
  • Start date
  • Dubai ID*
  • Bank account*


亮點 Aman Dubai

  • 城市: Dubai
  • 項目: Aman Dubai

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