Mercedes Benz Places Miami

FL, Miami-Dade, Miami, 33130 · JDS Development Group
Mercedes-Benz Place Miami is an impressive residential condominium in Brickell, featuring luxurious one- and three-bedroom residences with stunning views of Brickell's magnificent buildings, the city center, and the entire Miami skyline. Residents of Mercedes-Benz Place Miami enjoy thoughtfully designed interiors and five-star amenities, including office spaces, a spa, a full-service restaurant, fast-casual dining, banquet halls, a fitness center, and 1,000 parking spaces. The complex offers a wide range of services and conveniences. Business, entertainment, and nightlife are all within easy reach, making life here more than just enjoyable.
To be confirmed.
Convenience and security
- Office space
- Spa
- Full service restaurant
- Fast food space
- Banquet hall
- Fitness center
- 1,000 Parking spaces
Availability of greenery and water


亮點 Mercedes Benz Places Miami

  • 城市: Miami
  • 項目: Mercedes Benz Places Miami

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