Five Oceans Residence

Kuta Utara · Stetsyuk · Updated 27.06.2024


Building rating ?
Area from
732 ft²
price from
3443276250 IDR
Property type
These residences embody the allure of exotic living, incorporating unique and captivating design elements from diverse cultures around the world.

The Ergonomic layout ensures optimal comfort and functionality, enhancing the quality of everyday life. Embracing Eco-living Principles, these
residences are built with sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and environmentally friendly Practices, Promoting a greener lifestyle.

With an ethereal ambiance, these homes create a serene and otherworldly atmosphere, allowing residents to find peace and tranquility within their living spaces.
Fully furnished.
Convenience and security
- Villa Management
- Private Pool
- Ricefield View
- Cafe
- Gym
Availability of greenery and water
  • Greenery
  • Water
Accessibility by car
  • Atlas Beach Club
    6 minutes
  • Finns Beach Club
    7 minutes
  • Montessori School
    4 minutes
  • Recreational Club
    7 minutes
  • Berawa Surfing Spot
    6 minutes
  • Canggu Beach
    6 minutes
  • Brunch Club Berawa
    2 minutes
  • Traditional Market
    3 minutes
  • Siloam Medical
    5 minutes
  • Canggu School
    3 minutes
  • Airport
    37 minutes

Location and infrastructure

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